Book Recommendations on Healing from and Coping with Heartbreak
From the Book Recommendations for What's On Your Mind Series
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Hi everyone! In last week’s episode, we spoke about book recommendations for navigating family dynamics. In today’s episode I wanted to focus on book recommendations for healing from and coping with break ups.
Breaking up is hard to do. The lyrics of a song by Neil Sedaka finds Sedaka pleading with a girl, asking her to remember the good times, as he knows he'll be in misery if she leaves. Some of us at some stage will encounter these painful moments of misery and the way we deal with them when faced with loss, despair and the anticipation that often comes with it, makes all the difference. Let these literary soul comforters soothe your soul amidst feelings of despair and sadness. The books help you connect with others going through breakups, whether fictional or not – and the self-empathy these books evoke is the first stage on the path to healing that will hopefully leave you feeling stronger, kinder and braver.
If you'd prefer a more curated list, that's more tailored to your needs, interests and reading preferences you might find our Personalised Book Prescription service helpful. You might also find it helpful to undertake a bibliotherapy session or our online Bibliotherapy, Literature and Mental Health course where you can discuss/explore whatever you're going through in more depth.
Finding Closure
I often find the hardest type of breakups are ones where we don’t have closure on a situation, where we are left wondering what happened as we replay events in our head and dwell on ‘what-ifs’. I chose the following two books to help us make peace with